“The Kindness, Tenderness & Gentleness of God”
God is who Jesus is & Jesus is who God is. That’s Christianity 101 when it comes to understanding & interpreting the Bible as it pertains to God Himself. If we want to know what God is really like, we need to observe what Jesus was really like — what He did & said, where He went & with whom He associated, how He treated people & what He did to prove His love for everyone.
Today we’ll see that the kindness, tenderness & gentleness of God didn’t spring into being when Jesus arrived :-) … it’s declared & depicted all through the scriptures.
The kindness, tenderness & gentleness of God …
1. are beautiful, powerful & immutable expressions of His character.
God has always been & will always be all of these.
Isaiah 42:1-4 (Matthew 12:18-21 being sure to note vs13-17)
2. should be observable in us.
As we are conformed more & more to the image of Christ,
the character of God is seen & expressed more & more though us.
Romans 8:29a (Colossians 1:15a) / John 3:30
Making It Real
1] In what ways have you experienced these character traits of God?
2] How observable would you say they are in & through you?
Action Step
Think of someone you know who would be richly blessed by you expressing one,
two or all three of these to them & then express one, too or all three to them.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page February 6, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com